We’re delighted to announce that Creature & Co. have become a member of Clean Creatives, a network of 295 agencies and 900 clients who are committed to a future for the creative industry that doesn’t include promoting pollution.
Who are Clean Creatives?
Clean Creatives is a new network for creative agencies with a commitment to sustainability that was created to bring together like-minded firms who support and share best practices in sustainability, with the goal of helping them implement these practices in their own businesses and to increase awareness among their clients. The initiative asks the hard questions about the role of agencies in supporting the biggest climate polluters on the planet, asking individuals and companies to reject future contracts with fossil fuel companies.

Why are initiatives like this important?
We believe it’s important for creative agencies to be involved in initiatives that promote more sustainable practices and enable us all to work towards cleaner living spaces while still being able to provide our clients with high quality, creative services that meet their needs and budgets. Being part of Clean Creatives will help us learn more about how we can reduce our carbon footprint as well as spread this knowledge with our clients and networks.
All members of Clean Creatives share the same goal – to make meaningful improvements in their own carbon footprint, and to support their clients with advice on how to do the same. The network offers members access to training, business advice, peer-to-peer support and so much more.
We are both proud and excited to be part of a growing community of like-minded organisations who are committed to making their businesses more sustainable and better for people and planet, and we look forward to growing with our fellow Clean Creatives in the future!
Check out the Clean Creatives website to learn about their ‘F-List’, which highlights Ad and PR companies working with the fossil fuel industry. And while you’re there, why not pledge your commitment as a client? It’s quick to do and will help build a sustainable future for your brand and our planet. What’s not to like?