Met Office x Global Action Plan: Air Pollution Quiz
Air pollution is one of the biggest dangers facing our planet. Teaching young people about this challenging subject is crucial to create a cleaner and healthier environment for future generations. Alongside Global Action Plan, we created a digital, interactive quiz aimed at educating young people about air pollution.
It’s imperative that we take action on air pollution; From encouraging the use of public transportation, reducing our exposure to indoor and outdoor air pollution, switching to clean energy sources, ventilating indoor spaces, to advocating for policies that support environmental protection and much more.
These new resources were produced as part of the Clean Air Programme, which is supported through the UK Research and Innovation Strategic Priorities Fund (SPF) and delivered by the Met Office and other partners.
Built in the style of a ‘Mostly As’, ‘Mostly Bs’, ‘Mostly Cs’ quiz, allowing for a personalised result or assigned status at the end, we devised a quiz titled “What’s your Clean Air Personality Type?”. No matter what the result, whether it’s ‘You’re the Queen of Clean (Air)!’, ‘You’re the Fresh Prince of Clean Air!’ or ‘You’re an Air-Venger!’, there’s positive encouragement, so players with lower scores are reassured that there’s room for improvement, while players with higher scores are encouraged to take what they know into the real world.
Following Global Action Plan’s Gap Analysis Report to ensure the questions were appropriate for the target audience, we structured the quiz to replicate a young person’s full day, from waking up and going to school, to having dinner, scrolling through social media and going to sleep.
Throughout, the quiz questions were made up of scenarios or decisions that players take in order to test their air pollution knowledge – all in a light-hearted tone and packed with play-on-words and demographically relevant humour. Following each question, we included guidance on what the correct answer was and why, including actionable tips to put into practice in the real world.
The goal of this project was to raise awareness and motivate young people to take action on air pollution. As part of this, we tested the quiz amongst the desired audience by hosting the quiz as a trial on the Nat Geo Kids UK website. A survey from 154 x 10–18-year-olds who took the quiz found the following results:
🌱 94% were more motivated to take action on air pollution.
🌱 89% were more likely to take action on air pollution.
🌱 91% had more knowledge about how to take action on air pollution.
🌱 100% had an increased awareness of the sources of air pollution.
🌱 99.3% acknowledged how air pollution can damage health.