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Dirt Is Good – Earth Day 2023 Campaign


The Earth has so much in common with the people we love – it provides for us, it makes us smile, laugh and shows us something new every day. What if we realised how alike the Earth is to our family and celebrated the love we have for it, just like we do for Mother’s or Father’s Day?

Well, this is exactly what we did when our long-term client Dirt Is Good, Unilever, asked us to ideate and produce a creative social campaign for Earth Day 2023 that would act as a love letter for our planet, whilst also promoting the great work the brand are doing globally to make the world a better place.  

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We’ve worked with the Dirt Is Good brand for many years now on various projects including our flagship collaboration, The Dirt Is Good Academy, a gamified platform that aims to create real, positive change among its target audience of children aged 12 and under. When Dirt Is Good asked us to ideate for their Earth Day 2023 campaign, we knew we wanted to make it a celebration of our Earth, so we set about concepting and pitching three ideas around this theme. For each idea, we thought about the big picture and how the campaign would work across social and physical activation, including interactive billboards and events. 

Dirt Is Good loved our idea of ‘treating Earth as one of the family’ and encouraging people to do something special for the Earth on her big day. Initially envisaged to revolve around a highly emotive and heart-warming hero video, we adapted the campaign to instead go down the influencer and user-generated content route, as this suited the audience Dirt Is Good were targeting more appropriately. 

In the end, we created an array of social assets for the campaign including GIFs and carousels, alongside light-hearted but inspiring post copy. We also produced an in-depth influencer brief with content ideas, caption examples and more, all designed to draw parallels between the way we treat our families on special days (particularly Mother’s Day) and the way we should treat the Earth, with tangible actions. For example:   

🌻 Give the Earth some flowers (plant some seeds)  

♻️ Help her out with some chores (pick up some litter)   

🧼 Do the laundry for her (a cold, quick wash gives her a break)  

👣 Go for a walk with her (walking instead of driving lowers air pollution)



Dirt Is Good were looking for a global campaign that would work across a variety of different markets including Thailand and the Nordics. They wanted to get people to reappraise Dirt Is Good by sharing their credible POV on Earth Day, showing the importance of investing in our Earth and celebrating everything she does for us.  

As an example of how this campaign performed, one of the GIFs ran for 2 days on Instagram as part of Dirt Is Good Finland’s ongoing OMO campaign and received a reach of 179,649 with 185,869 impressions. 

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